John and Annie Woodhouse Recreation and Wildlife Habitat Area
The information in this piece may be out of date. I have moved away from Cheyenne and am no longer maintaining this site. You may leave a comment if you wish. Useful comments will continue to be posted.
Spring, in our foothills, is the metallic call of the sleek and shining redwing blackbird perched on the flaking old tuft of last year’s cattail. It’s the full out, web-extended urgent brake of the northbound teal throttling down to rest a night in an overfull pond. The nose of a spotted fawn peering up through the bent and broken old grasses, looking for mom and seeing the wide new world through brown liquid eyes.
Cutleaf daisies, clustered together as if for warmth, hold their brave faces to a blue and blustery sky where hawks ride the billowing air, circling into the sun. A beaver smacks the water and cracks the air.
We stretch our winter-stiff legs and breathe deep. Our cramped souls expand again, hard buds opening to the light.
All of this and more can be found close to Cheyenne at the “John and Annie Woodhouse Recreation and Wildlife Habitat Area.” It’s about twenty-five minutes away.
Set aside to preserve a three mile stretch of North Crow Creek, beavers were first invited to do their work. With only willow branches and mud they’ve done a fine job, weaving a meandering string of terraced ponds through the valley floor.
And you– and your dog–are invited to walk the gentle dirt roads along each side of the creek. On your right hand, across the tawny grasses, buck brush hills soar upward to a long wall of red and gray limestone, cresting six hundred feet above at Table Mountain. On the left rolling rounded hills are crowned at the horizon with small pines. If you walk to the north end on the road closed to vehicles you’ll come to the concrete remains of the original John and Annie Woodhouse ranch house. They homesteaded here in the 1890’s.
There are a couple of copses of cottonwoods offering shade, and even one stand of stately white aspens.
According to Don Woodhouse, grandson of John and Annie, the ranch was purchased by the City in the 1930’s to obtain water rights. In 2004, with the urging of the Woodhouse family, the Board of Public Utilities made an agreement with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to manage it for wildlife and recreation. Game and Fish have improved the roads, built parking areas, a vault toilet, fences and care for the fisheries.
If you are an ambitious hiker two road cuts invite a steep climb to the limestone table top. The first as you enter is a new road behind a locked iron gate leading through accessible state land to a radio tower and panoramic views of Iron and Pole Mountains, Turtle Rock, the wind farm and the shimmering plains.
The second cut is up the next gulley to the north. Its red scar is visible above the crumbling ruins of an old cabin, across the rising meadow. This road stops abruptly at the state fence where there was once a spring. If you are intrepid you can climb it and make your way through the tall, scrappy brush following deer trails to the top. To make a high loop come up this cut and, when on top, head to the radio tower where you’ll find the first road for your easy trip down.
If you’d like to probe the depths for fish the beaver ponds are stocked with brook trout. The little Lower North Crow Reservoir, at the start of the Recreation area, holds stocked rainbows and browns.
If you go….
Drive west from Cheyenne on Happy Jack Road (WY 210) about 15 miles. One mile past the Bunkhouse Bar and Grill you’ll see the first brown and white sign. Following its arrow, turn right on Rd 109. Good signs will guide you all the way in. Just past an old, gray schoolhouse turn left on Hyde Merritt Road, then turn right on Valley View Road. Valley View leads into the Recreation Area.
Entrance is free. Dogs are allowed. A vault toilet is provided and three parking areas. There is no drinking water. No shooting or off-roading is permitted.
For a downloadable map see:
The road into the Recreation Area is often in poor condition making a high clearance vehicle preferable but probably not necessary.
Post Script: During the spring of 2016 a flash flood blew through the beaver dams, blasting out a gap in the first one, cutting a deep trough in the bed of mud beneath. One after another all of the downstream dams breached. It must have been quite a sight. The spring of 2017 shows only a little beaver activity, slowly rebuilding upstream. What was once a beautiful string of ponds is now largely desiccated. Even the stream disappears under the muck at times. The road, washed out, has now been repaired and regraded.
Post Script 2: My visit yesterday, May 16, 2020, left me happy. Beavers are well underway to restoring the ponds. They’ve made a home and a few dams near the lower end and at least two other groups are working at the upper end. The shimmer of water, the splash of ducks and geese have returned. I wonder how long it will take them to restore the long middle? I’ve been told that beavers can be busy….

Eric Jones
Aug 6, 2013
I visited this place in 2011 and I think of it often. It was absolutely the quietest place I have ever been. I loved every second of it! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Kelly Lovegrove
Sep 26, 2017
What happened to this place? ??
The lake is GONE! !
I live in table mountain and went to go fishing and the entire lake is GONE! ! 9 23 2017
There are no more ponds…The stream is all but a trickle and there’s nothing but mud where a beautiful lake once was. ..devistated doesn’t begin to describe how I felt today!
Roger Ludwig
Sep 26, 2017
It is sad! Check out the post script at the end of the article. It explains what happened. I wonder how long it is going to take for the Beavers to rebuild their dams. Roger
Sep 26, 2017
Thank you Roger for your reply!
I was here when the 2016 flood occurred, we saw all the wood from the burst beaver dams floating in the lake And saw the devistation further up from the lake and saw the washed out roads but we still had a large full lake. the lake is completely gone! Did the city drain it? Isn’t that lake fed from crow Creek. ..
Where there was once water and beaver dams up from the lake there is nothing but a small trickle of water and the vegetation has grown thick, I haven’t seen any signs of beavers we spent hours walking near the one flowing stream..nothing but a trickle now and the lake is dried up even tho the man made dam is still there…
Rich Henderson
Oct 13, 2017
The pdf map is now found at
Roger Ludwig
Oct 13, 2017
Thanks Rich for looking it up and letting me know! Roger
Chance Kirkeeng
Nov 2, 2017
Here is the answer to your questions about the empty reservoir! Good things are happening…. Thanks Chance for bringing this to our attention. Roger
Kelly Lovegrove
Nov 3, 2017
Oh that is fantastic news! !!
Thank you so much for posting this link and keeping us informed! !! I’m elated! !
Miss Kelly Lovegrove
Harold Hayes
May 1, 2018
Folks I am glad to see the improvements to the reservoir. I went up to look at the improvements this past weekend. A huge amount of sediment was removed. A really nice handicap platform was installed. The lake is much deeper than I’ve ever seen it. I have only one concern. The side walls of the lake are extremely steep. I usually take my two young grand sons with me when I go up there. I worry about one of them or even an older person slipping and plunging into the nearly straight down lake. Overall it is a great improvement. Just worried about safety of young and old. Thanks everyone. Harold.
John Beasley
Sep 28, 2018
I’ts a nice little get away from the city. I intend on visiting it more.
Don Odom
May 29, 2020
I went here yesterday.. Beavers are working, but still not enough pond for me to bother fishing in(if they’re even restocked yet, which i doubt).
Fish were active in reservoir, but i only had one light strike on a baby rainbow colored spoon. Spinners and flies did nothing-but I’m a rank amateur at fly fishing.
Wyoming Jon
Jun 11, 2023
The beavers have rebuilt well. Lots of waterthis year. Game and fish poured concrete and added a handicap parking spot next to the fishing pier. I still cannot catch any fish in this lake.